Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The RFP Discussion Continues Around The Globe

On May 14th I announced that I had agreed to publicly debate my RFP philosophies during a US e-broadcast. Since that time I have had several dates deferred, then cancelled because two different debate opponents have dropped out of site. Is this evidence of limited support for the RFP even from advocates of its use? I'm not sure but I am sure that I will announce the availability of this podcast once it does finally happen.

On other consulting RFP fronts you can expect some lively debate in Columbus Ohio on Sunday September 13th as I present "A Decent Proposal: How to Buy Professional Services" to the American Public Works Association (APWA) conference.

Based on that upcoming presentation, an international peer reviewed journal has solicited an article on the subject from Beyond Referrals and we hope to see it published in early 2010.

And finally, if you have any interest in the consulting or consulting procurement business in Manitoba we are hosting another Consulting RFP Round Table Discussion at The Manitoba Club Friday September 25th in the morning. We'd love to see you there - it's almost at capacity but feel free to contact us about a "place at the table".