Saturday, March 24, 2007

An Interesting Look At Selling Consulting Services

Washington’s $8 Billion Dollar Shadow

By Donald L. Barlett and James B, Steele

(Cal's note: It's not common for me to send a message like this one to my e-newsletter subscribers but for this article I made an exception. It was sent earlier this month and it generated one unsubscribe ["This kind of crap wastes my time."] and many interesting comments including one from a consultant that had some prior dealings with SAIC.)

It’s so rare for me to read an interesting article about management consulting that when I do find one, I like to share it. Strangely enough this one is in the March 2007 issue of Vanity Fair Magazine.

It’s a tale of “interesting” selling skills, intrigue, and secrecy.
To read about the inner workings of SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) and how they currently hold 9,000 plus active US government contracts, with more than one hundred of them valued at over $10 million dollars apiece, click on the link below.

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